Melvin Chin
4th April 1987
Look at the God side of things.
Whatever it is you are facing,always remember, God is bigger.
You are loved!How do i know that?By looking at the nail pierced hands!
Designer: fedora_girl :)
Image: Rosevita@morguefile
I would like to firstly apologize to my readers for any post that may have offended you guys.Please dont take it to heart. :)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
First there was the EPL, now we are the champions for UEFA Champions league as well. Too bad Chelsea, a whole yr without a single throphy eh!After all the money you invested, and yet no throphies! You can go home, leave the game to the real champions. Man Utd!
Melvin, Looking at the God Side of things.
11:17 AM.