Friday, April 25, 2008
Couldnt believe i woke up at 5am just to see the sunrise!!.....Too be more exact, only Willy, Da yong and I were punctual in getting up, compared to the rest, especially Charlyn, who was half an hour late!! I dunno why i agreed to tag along.
Me, Da yong and Darrel
Never-the-less, i have to admit that i actually had fun seeing the sun rise and taking pictures. It has been ages since i last saw a sun rise.
Majority of the time when i get up from bed, the sun is usually already shining brightly in the sky. So i guess doing this once in a while isnt such a bad thing afterall. Its a good reminder that every morning is a beautiful morning. The things that God does just to captivate my heart.
And acting stupid and trying to disrupt photo takings by suddenly popping ur head out of no where is hell lots of fun. Getting whacked later by the girls isnt so fun though.