Thursday, July 31, 2008
I saw two rainbows today while walking back from my class .I do not have the picture, because i deem it as absolutely gayness for a guy to take a picture of a rainbow under the rain in the middle of the sidewalk.But i have to admit how amazing it is to see a rainbow above another rainbow!(i'm not suffering from double vision mind you!!)The timing of the rainbow was absolutely perfect as well. You see, I was pondering to myself about how this semester is going to be, seeing that i idiotically stuffed up the previous semester, my morale for this semester is pretty low, thus i have doubts that i am ever gonna make it through this semester. Then lo and behold! Double rainbows before me!It's like God saying to me, "I will finish what i've started in you,that is my promise........**cough cough**.I see you still doubt me, how about this, i'll add in an extra rainbow to what i gave to Noah centuries ago.Now u have 1 rainbow more than Noah! Are you still gonna doubt me?"
Noah had a single rainbow for a convenant between him and God,Moses had a burning bush( i prefer this one more), and now i have a double rainbow!!! :) :)
Well, i know i dun have a picture of what i saw, and i still insist that it is very gay for a guy to take a picture of a rainbow(under the rain summore),so i went online to see if i can get a pic and this is the best i can do to let u guys see what i saw!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008
I have made the tiramisu cake countless time, since the day i learnt bout the recipe 3.5yrs back.But it has always been the same thing over,and over, and over again.So this time round, i have decided to go the extra mile and give it a major face-lift. Afterall, its my cell-members request for another members b'day. In addition to that, i owe Andrew a major favour over certain issues regarding cell-group.So without further bragging, here is my new tiramisu with its new body-kit! :P :PI was very afraid to take the risk at first to decorate the cake, mainly because i have never done it before.If i were to ruin the cake, than they will be no b'day cake for theb'day girl.Secondly, the ingredients are exceptionally expensive compared to my regular tiramisu, so if i skrew this one up, all the money i spent will go down the drain.So with all the guts i have, i took the risk and ventured into an unknown world of decoration......and behold!! i think i came out victorious.
So to Kelly, the b'day girl, happy Nth b'day(i forgot how old u were).And i do hope u enjoy the tiramisu cake to the fullest.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Been extremely tired and moody lately, mainly due to work, losing my hp and studying for subs T_T, but not everything is going downhill.My new skates arrived today :) finally something to look forward to.I do sincerely hope i dun injure myself beyond recognition in the process of learning how to skate.I've seen many inline skates bloopers, and they arent very comforting.On a side note, i hope everything is going well for you guys out there.May God continue to fill your days with blessings.......(oh! and mine too)! :)
Monday, July 07, 2008
Lost my samsung u700 phone! T_T and i have to pull out another 125 bucks to claim my phone from the insurance company . T_T x2.On the brighter side of things, i'm currently training in Nando's karawara.Hopefully there will take me in as their employee soon.Wakakkaka So for all u chicks out there who do not consider yourself 'hot'.'You know where to find me, afterall, i make the Chicks Hot, and not just any 'hot' kekekeke i'll make u so hot that u sizzle! XD