Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The enemy likes to strike where it hurts the most!
Why is everything around me breaking apart, damn it?
Their Friendship is what saved me, and now i can do nothing to uphold that friendship!
What i have always believed in, is now in rumbles before me!
So many things in my head, so much bloody things that shouldnt even be!
I feel like punching the wall till it hurt so badly so that the pain can take my mind off this!
and yet i know i change nothing by doing so.
God this shouldnt be, of all places why our church, and most importantly, why them?
Its so damn hard to just sit and watch and not being able to do anything or to change how things are going!
Skrew sitting, Skrew waiting, Skrew watching, i want to change things!
This is not how its suppose to be!
What's the point of having everything if you cant even save those that matters most to you?

Melvin, Looking at the God Side of things.
10:35 PM.

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Deadliest sin,
All of us have it, who in this world can deny it!

Here i am, watching this very sin, eating away at all the things i hold dear to my heart. Nobody wants to give in, everybody thinks they are right, and no one wants to take the fall! In its wake, friendship build over years together breaks into a million pieces in mere seconds. It feels like just hours ago that we were having a bbq together, and the moments we spend lifting each other up stills linger freshly in my memories. Why cant anyone see that is not about which side you take? If we have to pick a side, shouldn't it be God's side? Sometimes, when you are too high up, your visions starts to blur and your breathing becomes heavier; its almost as if when you are up high, you forget about what is down below! I wish things could be as they were before, just a bunch of "Man-ly Men" doing "Male-bonding!" No more issue of 'i'm right and you are wrong' , no more issue of 'I believe in what i believe, you believe in what you believe' standing between anyone. Why is it so hard to let go, to embrace humility? If our path is the right path, is it wrong to be humble and give in to others? Will God then judge you ill-ly by saying, "You have sin for u have chosen to be humble before others?" For if the path we have chosen is really the right path, wouldn't God's blessings be upon you? Who else can be against you if God is for you? At the end of the day, aren't we all commanded to do the same thing??? aren't we all commanded to do "his works?"

So brothers and sisters,
can we just drop the issue of who is right and who is wrong?
can we just drop the issue of this is what i believe and that is what you believe?
can we lower ourself to a point where we can openly admit "i'm wrong?"
can we destroy that towering wall between us that is called pride?

Aren't we called to serve together?
Weren't we called to put our differences aside?
Didn't the same God died for us?
Wasn't our sins nailed to the cross THROUGH the same hands of Jesus?
Wasn't our salvation paid by the same person?
Do not we serve the same God?

I once asked God," How can i change the world? How can i make a difference in the world? Characteristic wise-i'm rotten, talent wise-i've none, experience wise-next to zero, Knowledge wise-no more than an ant!How can i ever do anything? Where should i start?"

And with a reassuring voice, he said,"Start just as how Jesus started; On his knees washing the feet of his Disciples!"

If Jesus, Lord of Lords, King Of Kings,the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, the Son of God, is on his KNEES washing the feet of his disciples, what more us???For we who think we know it all, we who think we are above others, we who think and believe we are right, my question is, are u willing to humble yourself to a point of admitting your pride? are you able to let go of this pride and serve others? I know Jesus did! In fact he did much more than just getting on his knees to wash our feet. For him it wasn't enough, NO! it just wasn't enough, Jesus did much more than to just wash our feet! he took it further.......................he took the FALL for us,once and for all-----------he took it to the cross! If anyone had any pride to lose, shouldnt it be God? He gave up his own son to save us. So how about us? What are we really losing at the end of the day? So my challenge for all of us today is this, "Can we follow in Jesus's footsteps and let go of our pride to serve others?"

Melvin, Looking at the God Side of things.
1:37 AM.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Couldnt believe i woke up at 5am just to see the sunrise!!.....Too be more exact, only Willy, Da yong and I were punctual in getting up, compared to the rest, especially Charlyn, who was half an hour late!! I dunno why i agreed to tag along.Me, Da yong and Darrel

Never-the-less, i have to admit that i actually had fun seeing the sun rise and taking pictures. It has been ages since i last saw a sun rise. u know why the water is so very salty

What an absolute beauty!

Majority of the time when i get up from bed, the sun is usually already shining brightly in the sky. So i guess doing this once in a while isnt such a bad thing afterall. Its a good reminder that every morning is a beautiful morning. The things that God does just to captivate my heart.

And acting stupid and trying to disrupt photo takings by suddenly popping ur head out of no where is hell lots of fun. Getting whacked later by the girls isnt so fun though.

Char the terrible doesnt know that darrel and i were hiding behind

Melvin, Looking at the God Side of things.
12:01 PM.

Friday, April 18, 2008

I'm thinking of having a pet. Tried keeping a fish......but it was a very boring companion.Something that is quiet yet adorable. Something u can fondle with and not get bitten.Something than can be a great companion yet not make a big mess. Something compact and mobile.Hmmmm.....................what is the animal for the chinese calender this year again?

Melvin, Looking at the God Side of things.
12:26 AM.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Man utd 2-1 Arsenal

muahhahahahahahha.........who's next on the list? Chelsea??? Bring it on!!

Melvin, Looking at the God Side of things.
11:09 AM.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Side note : Pls be advised that this post may content explicit materials,if ur under the age of 18, or prefer to be under the age of 18, pls do not read any further!!! Dont come nagging at me about how inappropriate this post is, i already warned you not to read it!!

Woke up this morning to a wonderful surprise, a parcel that came all the way from Melbourne just for me! A pressie from my cuzzie

With exploding enthusiasm, i ripped open the parcel to see what my beloved cuzzie on the east side had sent me. The first thing that greeted my anxious eyes was a piece of crumbled paper,

Then as i vigorously dug my way through the layers of reused paper, i found this,

You cannot imagine the amount of confusion i was was i suppose to use this???

1) Do I ..........shove it up my arse??

2)Do I ...........put it in my mouth??

3)Do I ...........grab it with my man-ly hands??

I shall embark on a journey to find the use of this very mysterious object!

After all is said and done, i would like to thank Ad! for the was seriously unexpected! Even Pei Ren probably wouldnt be able to think about this one. :P

Melvin, Looking at the God Side of things.
5:33 PM.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

A blink of an eye and I'm 21 years old!! Looking back at how i got to where i am now, i think i must have caused my mum more pain being outside rather than being inside for 9 months.Time sure flies, last i remember i was in Kindergarten when i found a whole piece of someone's crap under the sink with my cousin Adrian. I bet you 50 bucks he remembered that as well. Then i was in primary 1 playing "pepsi-cola" with Bry, Bert, Siang, Syl, leng and the gang. Fast forward to Form 4 and five, We were out there "cleaning" the park for some stupid moral stuff,

and the stupid "incident" i had with Cikgu Govin. Then there i was leaving for Perth,

and so far, this is my fourth year here.So many memories, some good some bad, but all of which help shape me to become who i am today.

Melvin, Looking at the God Side of things.
12:14 AM.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Assignments and mid sem tests.......what more can i say? Either one by itself, is enough to stress you out, and now i've both. SUICIDAL!! Well, i guess that's what happen when u focus on the "break" during the "study break."Furthermore i've still got to prepare word for friday cell and arrange transport for saturday's dinner. This week sure does pack in one hell of a punch!

Melvin, Looking at the God Side of things.
2:54 PM.