Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Exam is just around the corner.Oh boy! Dont you just love the exam season?It brings so much joy to my heart! *sarcastic laughters*

Melvin, Looking at the God Side of things.
11:35 AM.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I love this shot!It is in fact, overgrown weeds outside my house.If you were to just pass by my house u would be thinking "what a jungle."All of us are lazy to do the gardening so we just let the weeds and grass grow as they please.But the point is, no mather how messy and untidy the weeds are, if you look at it in a different point of view(as above) it becomes beautiful.Just like all the circumstances we face in our life.If you choose to see it's ugly side, then it will always be ugly.But if you would just let God shine in all those circumstances, be it hard or good times, it will become an array of beautiful moments.How will you view tough times? will you view it as moments of agony and heartache, or do you see an opportunity to learn,grow and let God shine.Afterall dependance on God is another word for power.Dont look and grieve at the smaller picture,instead let God paint the bigger picture through your circumstances.Is there anything that He who had chosen the nails for you ,couldnt do?

Melvin, Looking at the God Side of things.
5:32 PM.

Friday, October 19, 2007
Bundaberg Rum commercial (we wish England were Australia)

Love this video to bits

Melvin, Looking at the God Side of things.
12:39 AM.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

I'm sick....... :( :(

Melvin, Looking at the God Side of things.
5:31 PM.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Rugby World Cup

Australia 10-12 England.

We lost..........i couldnt put in any other way.A lost is a lost.We just have to take it as it is,learn from it, and grow stronger out of it.

But then again, we gave the Englishmen one hell of a game.We made sure they had to fight hard and bleed it out to take the victory that was rightfully ours.They can cheer and drink themselves silly, but at the end of the day, they cant keep the truth hidden,they probably cant even handle the truth........the Wallbies deserves the win more than they ever did.

Melvin, Looking at the God Side of things.
1:07 AM.

Friday, October 05, 2007

The old days

I’ve been very caught up lately with studies, assignments, financial management and cell group. I’m always, if not all the time, positive about things around me, but lately when I started to lose focus, i realized that I became more negative towards things. It’s just those times when you aren’t contented with what you have and you start yearning for more…and more..and more, and when you cant have it, you become resentful. So I ask myself, why am I not satisfied with where I am now?

Looking back into the past and what I’ve been then, and what I’m now, makes me wonder, what could I have been now it wasn’t for Jesus? Why am I so different from before? Why am I in a better situation now then I was before, then most people in the world?

God made me see the differences in me, he gently reminded me of all the times I got myself into trouble and all the times he pulled me out of it. He placed friends in my life that probably changed my entire self over time. What I needed, I did not lack, however, what I wanted was never satisfied. Then it hit me, the reason why I wasn’t contented with the way I’m going now: I was focusing on what the world wants , what the world offers and what the world demands of me. I was jealous that people have a Ferari to drive in, with their name as their car plate number at my age, while I have to walk,

I was jealous that others are so rich that they can afford to fail over and over again, and still have a chance to graduate. I’m jealous that some people can have whatever they want whenever they wish for it, while others can merely dream of it. I was jealous with the world, and had forgotten what I already have.

I have friends

I have people who cares for me, prays for me, and accepted me as one of them without judging me from the past nor the present.

I have food on my table whenever I’m hungry when half the world is dying from hunger.

I have a fully functioning body: hands that moves normally, legs to bring me around,
Eyes to admire all that God has created, ears to listen, mouth to taste, bullcrap and build up a person, nose to smell and finally my “little brother” for future uses I will not mention as of the moment. :P

I have my beloved room where I game, study, sleep and spend personal time with God.

I also have things to laugh at and be happy about all the times

And when I look at all this things, I ask myself again, why am I not contented? In every scenario possible, God provided. When I’m broke, my housemates cook for me, and occasionally treats me to dinner, when I don have a car to get around, people are more then willing to fetch me around or offer me their car to drive in, when I’m sick, frens cook, pray and clean up my dishes for me, when I’m struggling in studies, frens are they to waste their time in teaching me when they can surely choose to ignore me and have fun. I have everything I need and all that I need I have.

And if all that still isn’t enough, I have a God that watches over me, that provides without hesitating, that gives me many opportunities in different scenarios, that made such a wonderful thing called a sunset, and I’m very blessed to be able to see and enjoy a glimpse of the beauties and wonders of what my God have in store for me.

*I ask for all things that i may enjoy life, but i was given life that i may enjoy all things*

Melvin, Looking at the God Side of things.
1:17 PM.